A picture from Monte Carlo night! :]
That's B3 for ya! :] It was really fun actually. I enjoyed most of the night, emphasis on most of the night. It was cold like crap though, and my feet started to hurt by the end of it, but go figure. Watched a bunch of them gamble away their chips, even though most of them had no idea. I prefered dancing! :] This was quiet so time ago now though... cause it was the same week Sara came to visit.
I also went to the Katipunan Gobble Gobble event. It was pretty fun and I have a Kuya now! ;] He's pretty cool but was also kind of one of them awkward kind of moments cause I didn't know what to do or say...
That saturday we went to see New Moon with Michelle, Kelly, Janel, and even dragged Elo along! :] Which you can see above! :] I got proof!
It was okay overall, 100% better than Twilight, first time I've seen a sequel that was that much better than the first. The really good parts were just Jacob and his oh so amazing hot abs though! Holy Crap i just wanted to touch them!! lol
But overall it was a so so movie. I won't be watching it twice in theaters.
This is what happens when Amber is gone for the weekend... haha But really Jorge was hiding away from Kelly and Michelle because he likes to play the dorm version of ding dong ditch only more like rattle the door knob and run away.
He was scared at this point, very scared... haha
And Max can never pass up a time from teasing Kelly and Michelle either.
But the only one who did get someone hurt, was Elo when Michelle threw an air freshener at his balls. go figure something like that would happen! :]
And Kelly's new obsession with Twilight (b/c of Jacob! :]) she got Isabel's extra New Moon poster that Kelly has to return eventually. But this is all the guys can do. Pretty funny though because Jorge and Elo should be so switched by looks... lol but of course Bella becomes Miley Cyrus for the inside jokes. I'm so tempted to go into photoshop and actually put the pictures in said located spots.
And Thanksgiving was fun. I had caught up on SOOO much sleep it was pretty amazing! :] But picture is my youngest cousin Zoie. Grandma kept calling her "Joey" cause of that lovely pilipino accent. It was pretty funny cause then she was like what kind of name is that? haha Grandma Leony I love you for that line. She was really cute though because she was just so intreagued with Sophie the dog while her sister was screaming the after Sophie would come one step into the room. Go figure...
Now it's back to R'side and I can't believe that I went to bed at 4, and have been up since 7:45, then again, I almost didn't wake up this morning.
And found out my essay was pushed back! :] thank goodness! It's due day of the final, so that kind of sucks because I have my first final that Saturday then Sunday is the "secret santa" even though it's more of don't tell the person you have kind of deal. haha
But I can't WAIT for winter break already... It's going to be the first one in a long while that I didn't have any homework to do and it's even 3 weeks! ;]
So I'm back home where I can pay video games and sleep as much as I want by Dec. 12th! :]
And North people watch out! I'll be heading there one day on you're last week cause I miss everyone there!
Danielle! I'm so sorry I haven't commented on your blog in forever! Now that I'm done with classes, I can get back to a regular life! It looks like you are having a blast in Riverside right now. So much better than high school, right?! Ahaha, New Moon. I haven't watched that yet, but will probably stream it off the internet since I don't feel like paying money to see a 17 year old boy extort himself for money. Will see you quite soon and until then, keep blogging!