And I needed to finish a paper yesterday, and the day before was in the Science library where I actually CHECK out books. It was kinda cool, I was like amazed with home many books there were I don't know why, but I was! :] lol

Yesterday after i blogged, we learned vectors. and guess who used e as a variable... yes, my math professor. I watched these two start to raise and put down their hands the whole time because they were like omg!! haha but then he changed it to upside down e cause he "even made us yell it"
And today on campus they were giving out this book. The origin of Species by Charles Darwin. I was pretty amazed it's been 150 years since he first published it. It should help me in bio anthroplogy, that is of course if i read it.

I found this in the book though, I find it kind of weird. It's one of them will you go to heaven things. Now I'm confused... is it supposed to be a religious thing or a evolution kind of thing.
But at least now I think I know what i'll write about in my debate essay coming up! ;] haha

I really don't like that miles cyrus is on it though... that just sucked... bleh
but it reminded me of that episode of family guy where she was like a robot. it was funny for watching at 3 am when I couldn't fall asleep.
and note: Recess is on the disney channel at 4am. I found out when I turned the TV on cause I needed to slow myself down so I could fall asleep. but at least I had better sleep, even if only 4 hours, than I have like all week.
But the coffee might also be in effect right now.
I went and got a donut. and i saw my TA for math. I don't know why, but I really didn't want him to notice me. It was kinda weird... but I also saw I guy that reminded me of Hamilton but that could jut be because Donna mentioned if anyone knew where he was going to school.
and i got another copy of that book! so if anyone wants one, hit me up and i'll send it to you. Maybe i'll get another one... you never know. hehe! :]
I got that exact same Darwin book. Maybe it was a UC-wide thing.
ReplyDeleteQuestion: wouldn't Donna, all the way across the country, require more stamps than me?