1. I've had no great pictures of well anything.
2. Laziness has gotten a good part of me on anything that isn't homework or school work.
3. School has picked up just a little bit.
On 3 i mean as in Im starting to get restless in the fact that finals are right around the corner, two weeks after thanksgiving an it's starting to freak me out a bit. I just feel like I don't remember everything that I really need to. And to top it off, my math 2nd midterm is thursday. so it's starting to get to me.
But what's happened since halloween... lots of crap.
There was Monte Carlo night here. that wasn't too bad at all. i actually had fun with Sara because she came to visit, and dancing, and just dressing up again. I didn't realize I'd miss doing that kind of thing.
The saturday before I had the worst mall trip ever, that I'd rather not remember it.
yesterday though I actually got to studying! :] really proud of that. even with the story of a guy masturbating while his roommate was there was pretty disturbing.
and I need to send off my mail today. Got mail for Riju, Donna, and my mommy which I've put off for a while now. haha. go figure. I mean look at where I'm writing my post today: before my biological anthropoly discussion! :]

oh and I'm really thinking about going to UCLA for the protest. I really don't need a hike in prices.... :[
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