
Monday, November 30, 2009

Monte Carlo, New Moon, ding dong ditch, and a little slice of home

A picture from Monte Carlo night! :]
That's B3 for ya! :] It was really fun actually. I enjoyed most of the night, emphasis on most of the night. It was cold like crap though, and my feet started to hurt by the end of it, but go figure. Watched a bunch of them gamble away their chips, even though most of them had no idea. I prefered dancing! :] This was quiet so time ago now though... cause it was the same week Sara came to visit.

I also went to the Katipunan Gobble Gobble event. It was pretty fun and I have a Kuya now! ;] He's pretty cool but was also kind of one of them awkward kind of moments cause I didn't know what to do or say...

That saturday we went to see New Moon with Michelle, Kelly, Janel, and even dragged Elo along! :] Which you can see above! :] I got proof!
It was okay overall, 100% better than Twilight, first time I've seen a sequel that was that much better than the first. The really good parts were just Jacob and his oh so amazing hot abs though! Holy Crap i just wanted to touch them!! lol
But overall it was a so so movie. I won't be watching it twice in theaters.

This is what happens when Amber is gone for the weekend... haha But really Jorge was hiding away from Kelly and Michelle because he likes to play the dorm version of ding dong ditch only more like rattle the door knob and run away.

He was scared at this point, very scared... haha

And Max can never pass up a time from teasing Kelly and Michelle either.
But the only one who did get someone hurt, was Elo when Michelle threw an air freshener at his balls. go figure something like that would happen! :]

And Kelly's new obsession with Twilight (b/c of Jacob! :]) she got Isabel's extra New Moon poster that Kelly has to return eventually. But this is all the guys can do. Pretty funny though because Jorge and Elo should be so switched by looks... lol but of course Bella becomes Miley Cyrus for the inside jokes. I'm so tempted to go into photoshop and actually put the pictures in said located spots.

And Thanksgiving was fun. I had caught up on SOOO much sleep it was pretty amazing! :] But picture is my youngest cousin Zoie. Grandma kept calling her "Joey" cause of that lovely pilipino accent. It was pretty funny cause then she was like what kind of name is that? haha Grandma Leony I love you for that line. She was really cute though because she was just so intreagued with Sophie the dog while her sister was screaming the after Sophie would come one step into the room. Go figure...

Now it's back to R'side and I can't believe that I went to bed at 4, and have been up since 7:45, then again, I almost didn't wake up this morning.
And found out my essay was pushed back! :] thank goodness! It's due day of the final, so that kind of sucks because I have my first final that Saturday then Sunday is the "secret santa" even though it's more of don't tell the person you have kind of deal. haha
But I can't WAIT for winter break already... It's going to be the first one in a long while that I didn't have any homework to do and it's even 3 weeks! ;]
So I'm back home where I can pay video games and sleep as much as I want by Dec. 12th! :]

And North people watch out! I'll be heading there one day on you're last week cause I miss everyone there!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

The letters I sent out the other day. see proof of them at least closed, addressed, and stamped on my desk! :]

And I needed to finish a paper yesterday, and the day before was in the Science library where I actually CHECK out books. It was kinda cool, I was like amazed with home many books there were I don't know why, but I was! :] lol

Yesterday after i blogged, we learned vectors. and guess who used e as a variable... yes, my math professor. I watched these two start to raise and put down their hands the whole time because they were like omg!! haha but then he changed it to upside down e cause he "even made us yell it"

And today on campus they were giving out this book. The origin of Species by Charles Darwin. I was pretty amazed it's been 150 years since he first published it. It should help me in bio anthroplogy, that is of course if i read it.

I found this in the book though, I find it kind of weird. It's one of them will you go to heaven things. Now I'm confused... is it supposed to be a religious thing or a evolution kind of thing.
But at least now I think I know what i'll write about in my debate essay coming up! ;] haha

I really don't like that miles cyrus is on it though... that just sucked... bleh
but it reminded me of that episode of family guy where she was like a robot. it was funny for watching at 3 am when I couldn't fall asleep.

and note: Recess is on the disney channel at 4am. I found out when I turned the TV on cause I needed to slow myself down so I could fall asleep. but at least I had better sleep, even if only 4 hours, than I have like all week.
But the coffee might also be in effect right now.

I went and got a donut. and i saw my TA for math. I don't know why, but I really didn't want him to notice me. It was kinda weird... but I also saw I guy that reminded me of Hamilton but that could jut be because Donna mentioned if anyone knew where he was going to school.

and i got another copy of that book! so if anyone wants one, hit me up and i'll send it to you. Maybe i'll get another one... you never know. hehe! :]

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

goodness gracious, so much to do so little time.

in class again... no joke. math this time too with only a min. before he starts, but he's not here yet so i guess i'm somewhat okay. at least no midterm! :]

woo! but seriously, there is just so much to do lately. Essay number 4 due tomorrow and i still need at least another page and better conclusion before I can turn it in. I've had no meals on my meal plan though! :] good thing cause i need it for brunch on the weekend yet gain.
then there is a midterm on thursday. math's second midterm and it's going to probably be hell...
boo to logs and all that stuff. not fun at all.
yesterday I sent to the science library and actually looked and checked out book! seriously. got a pic of them on my desk.

and I also send out my letters to donna, riju, and mommy yesterday. didn't forget! :]

Monday, November 16, 2009

It's been a while world

It's been a couple weeks now. And i have been planning to blog, don't get me wrong, but
1. I've had no great pictures of well anything.
2. Laziness has gotten a good part of me on anything that isn't homework or school work.
3. School has picked up just a little bit.
On 3 i mean as in Im starting to get restless in the fact that finals are right around the corner, two weeks after thanksgiving an it's starting to freak me out a bit. I just feel like I don't remember everything that I really need to. And to top it off, my math 2nd midterm is thursday. so it's starting to get to me.
But what's happened since halloween... lots of crap.
There was Monte Carlo night here. that wasn't too bad at all. i actually had fun with Sara because she came to visit, and dancing, and just dressing up again. I didn't realize I'd miss doing that kind of thing.
The saturday before I had the worst mall trip ever, that I'd rather not remember it.
yesterday though I actually got to studying! :] really proud of that. even with the story of a guy masturbating while his roommate was there was pretty disturbing.
and I need to send off my mail today. Got mail for Riju, Donna, and my mommy which I've put off for a while now. haha. go figure. I mean look at where I'm writing my post today: before my biological anthropoly discussion! :]

oh and I'm really thinking about going to UCLA for the protest. I really don't need a hike in prices.... :[

Sunday, November 1, 2009

It's National Novel Writing Month!!

It's Nanowrimo time! and I really REALLY wanna do it... but I'm not sure if i will... we shall see! :]

i really do wanna do this, but i mean 50,000 words is a lot!

anyway i forgot to mention this on friday. it was really random, Frank messaged me and asked me about filipinos...

I explained...
and asked if it was okay to do it to bea. haha

I thought that was pretty funny. I really didn't care. Frank was excited about it though.
I was in the science library at the time with E-lo and Michelle. And really didn't get any work done in the study room. but I did work on what classes I want for next quarter so at least I did do something.
When we got back, Kenji was showing us his Greaser costume. and he was rockin' it.

And this was around midnight already. So we were in friday morning really but we were all awake. And since the c-store was still open, some people started getting food, meaning everyone still awake had the midnight munchies! :] But talk about freshmen 15...

Somehow this happened. Well really we all started talking, even though it's quiet hours, in the middle of the hallway between kenji and asa's and mine and amber's doorways. And this was already after the RA's on duty walked by... and sarah was just sitting there, elo kind of panned across the hall, kelly got max's snuggie and then kenji got on top. typical. haha
Max, Mo, and Asa had gone to a concert in LA so there were bets on when they were going to get back.
And Elbert was doing a little rave kinda dance in Kenji's room that just kept me cracking up! :]
Lets say we that were partying in the hall went to bed around 2 am ish because there were 8 am classes, and i had one of them.
I stayed up though... had to get ready for the morning since I HATE mornings and typically just running into class. Yet 2:45 i heard lots of noise. a lot of the frats/soririties had gotten back as well as marissa who was taken to a party for making Katanpunan board. and then I had to leave a note on Kelly and Michelle's door. which then i learned about michelle talking and throwing things in her sleep when kelly opened the door. She couldn't fall asleep herself.
Then saw max, mo and asa who got back around then. so Sarah won with 3 am.

and out of all mornings, I got up early! ;] I was actually early and had time to relax heading to class. When I got to class, the professor had just let them all out but he let me go ahead and sit down and left a nice music to movie clip youtube video as a halloween treat. I was like OH SHIT! at first... i mean it was asian horror movie clips. but wasn't too bad. I was able to snap a pic before it finished though...

Kinda creepy right... haha i wasn't even watching the screen when i snapped the pic. but that's what i got. haha

I also had my 4th hot cocoa! :] that was between my first and second class when I wanted something hot.

it was very good and then I studied.
The rest of the day was whatever. I got more points though on my math quiz because he forgot to add points up on my quiz thank god because it was low like crap. It's still low, but I think I did really well on the quiz that day, so hopefully that saves me a bit.

I took this on the way home from riverside. I love the view, if only it wasn't always so smoggy... haha

This was on Riju's Birthday! ;] yes halloween back in torrance. I was bored in the car and this was after we dropped my sister off and were on the way to go trick or treating with my lil sister's friends. it was pretty fun. especially watching a little girl go a little coocoo after too much candy! :]