
Sunday, March 21, 2010

Thank God for Spring Break!

It's been making me think, this spring break. for one, I'm glad I have it.
for two, I'm kind of excited to start the new quarter, cause I wanna start anew.
That and I'm thinking about taking a dance class! :]
YAYAYYAYAYAYAYAY! but it's also $25 so we'll see about that, but there are some free classes that seem like a nice time away from the hall if you know what I mean. and anyway...

I posted this on facebook a while back now, and I'm proud that I still have it up. but thought that I'd always post it on here since I've been so behind but I'm actually excited and hopefully these new things would actually be some fun.

So, if you don't know, Winter Quarter 2010 was not at all that much fun. If it wasn't homework and other work related things, it was drama and other "fun" crap I'd rather not bother to repeat, unless you want to go into details with me, send me a message and be ready to read a nice long essay. While some of it may even seem trivial, it has gotten me to rethink this whole college thing. I've realized that, like all the other times I've moved, I'm not truly myself. I think finally staying put and schooling with the same people from middle school to high school graduation helped me come out more and be more outgoing. Coming into college, I felt that I was going to be able to do the same and at this moment I feel that i've still been hiding a lot that comes out when I'm talking with people from home. So next quarter, Spring 2010, I have decided I'm going to do things a little different and actually try to enjoy college life instead of remaining cooped up and not doing anything about it. My Spring Quarter Resolutions: 1. Not let people get to me or walk all over me - I feel that I've allowed people to not just bug me, but get under my skin and cause my blood to boil. Next quarter, all the people who I have worried and gotten upset about I will no longer care as much as I do today. While this may not sound hard, but it will be for me because I like to not leave people behind or let people I care enough about to screw themselves over, but it is also time for me to begin to think about my own education first. 2. I am going to go to a party! - This I ask of anyone, get me out of the dorms and classrooms and get me to party. Get me out of doing the same thing every week, the same exact things. In high school, I already did exactly the same and I don't regret it, but I want to be able to do something else. I'm in college I need to go to at least one while I have time, and this year maybe the only year I can afford to do so. 3. I am going to a club - I've promised myself this from even before school started. I want to go to a club and have fun. I want to see what it's like and just enjoy the night for once that isn't just a movie and pjs or tv and facebook. 4. I will join a club and keep involved with it. - While I am in Katipunan and it has been fun, I want to meet new people that are also going to be focused on school and going to drive me to keep going with my goals in life. I found a group, found many different people actually, at North that would do the same for me, but I don't have my North High friends here to do the same and I need friends outside of my hall. (FOR LEILANI: SHOULD I STILL JOIN CIRCLE K?) 5. I will keep up my gpa - As much as I want to stay loose and have fun, I do need to keep my GPA up and this is to remind me to keep working hard and not slow down just because summer is on the way soon. 6. I will stay true to myself -- the geeky, nerdfighter, harry potter loving, heart-on-my-sleeve person. - This is like 5 and is something I want to make sure that I stay true to and remains the same. People tagged in this, I tag you because I trust you and I know you will guide me the right way. You guys have treated me as equals and told me when I was wrong and helped me get through all these hard times that I don't want college to change my personality. I don't mind that college may change my views on politics and different social ideas but don't let it take away the one thing I always keep hidden from many people and let me remain the friend and person you guys know I can be. If you have read this far, thank you. really the people tagged in this make my life amazing. College has not been all bad, so don't get that idea. I've enjoyed many things and I've enjoyed the people I've met through Engineering and enjoyed the good times in the dorms. But at the same time, I haven't been all to happy this quarter either.

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